Auction items have not yet been posted, but the text below will give you more information about how the auction works. Thanks!
1. Your contact information
2. A picture for each item that we can use to showcase them on the website.
3. Give each piece a Title, Information on the Artist, and Any Other Information that is important.
4. For each item, let us know if you would like to have its proceeds split 50/50 or if you would like to donate the full amount to Ocracoke Alive & the Ocrafolk Festival. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 and can provide a tax letter for any contributions.
5. Identify if there is a Reserve on any items.
6. Let us know if you are planning on mailing your item, or are bringing it to Ocracoke prior to the auction. In most cases we request that items arrive by Thursday, June 1st.
Email this information to David Tweedie at [email protected]
2. A picture for each item that we can use to showcase them on the website.
3. Give each piece a Title, Information on the Artist, and Any Other Information that is important.
4. For each item, let us know if you would like to have its proceeds split 50/50 or if you would like to donate the full amount to Ocracoke Alive & the Ocrafolk Festival. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 and can provide a tax letter for any contributions.
5. Identify if there is a Reserve on any items.
6. Let us know if you are planning on mailing your item, or are bringing it to Ocracoke prior to the auction. In most cases we request that items arrive by Thursday, June 1st.
Email this information to David Tweedie at [email protected]
Would you like to enter a piece of Artwork in our 50/50 Art Auction? We would love to have you involved! The Ocrafolk Festival 50/50 Art Auction is one of our primary means of raising money for the Ocrafolk Festival. Proceeds from the auction of art donations will be split 50/50 with the donor (of course you can contribute the full amount to the Ocrafolk Festival if you wish). Please contact David Tweedie at [email protected] if you wish to contribute an item. Thank you! Below is the information we need to know.
Artists and Auction Donors
Artists and Auction Donors
2016 Auction items below
2017 Ocrafolk Festival 50/50 Art Auction
Ocrafolk Festival 50/50 Auction donors. . . Thank you for your contributions! We are still tallying our final numbers and will be contacting you soon. Thanks for a great event!
Auction Items (Live or Silent not yet determined)
To view details about an item you can hover over it, or click on the item for a larger view with description details. If you have a question, send it through the above form. Thanks!
To view details about an item you can hover over it, or click on the item for a larger view with description details. If you have a question, send it through the above form. Thanks!